Wednesday 27 October 2010

Evaluation os School Magazine Front Cover

I think my magazine front cover looks good. It looks like a real magazine front cover.
I think the masthead which is called OUR SCHOOL is an appropriate masthead for the magazine because it incoorporates the reader to input their suggestions, it suggests that everyone is a part of the magazine production.
The slogan which is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW is a great slogan, as keeps the reader up to date in what is happening in school.
The main image for the magazine, I think would look great as a main image as the two pupils are smiling and seem happy to be in King Henry. When taking the photos, the two boys were easy to take a photo of, as they listened to the instructions which I gave.
The subsidiary images are quite good.
The image of SPORT SUCCESS isn't so good, as I had to zoom in on the field, I was supposed to take a photo of football or rugby players on the field, but as there was no playing on the field I had to take a photo of pupils on the field.
The image of two students for EXAM SUCCESS is good, I would've wanted them to seem a little bit happier, but it's good as it is.
The image for CLUBS is good, I took the photo when questionnaires were being given out, so thought that it was a good opportunity to take a photo for the club catagory as the sixth formers were laughing and smiling.
The image for the LIFTS is good, because it was the easiest to take out of all ther photos which I had to take. The image of a lift suggests taht there is still work in progress.
The colour scheme for the magazine which I think is appropriate for the magazine, it stands out, and is one od the colours associated with the school.
My overall evaluation of my school magazine front cover is good, it turned out better than I had expected, the images look good placed on the cover as they are.

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