Friday 22 October 2010

Decisions from my questionnaire for my magazine front cover.

Masthead; The masthead which I have decided to use on my magazine front cover will be OUR SCHOOL, my reason for this is that it got the most votes from my questionnaire and another reason for this is that I prefer it to the other choices.
Slogan; The most popular slogan which received the most votes is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW and for this reason I will use it for my questionnaire.
Colour Scheme; The colour scheme for my school magazine front cover then the colours will have to be the colours associated with the school which from my questionnaire I found out that YELLOW, BLUE and BLACK are the colours  associated with school.
Main Image; For my main image, I am deciding to use photos of students for my front cover of the magazine, because the magazine is for students of my school then I suppose students,  should be on the front cover of the magazine. The image will be a long shot of two students showing their uniform.
Subsidiary Images; For my magazine I was thinking of having 4 subsidiary images on the cover along side the main image in the middle of the page. I have decided to use images of STUDENTS, CLUBS & ACTIVITIES, SPORT SUCCESS and a picture of the SCHOOL BUILDING, my reason for these are that two of the pictures were featured in the qustion of stories to be featured in the magazine and of students.

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