Wednesday 27 October 2010

Evaluation os School Magazine Front Cover

I think my magazine front cover looks good. It looks like a real magazine front cover.
I think the masthead which is called OUR SCHOOL is an appropriate masthead for the magazine because it incoorporates the reader to input their suggestions, it suggests that everyone is a part of the magazine production.
The slogan which is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW is a great slogan, as keeps the reader up to date in what is happening in school.
The main image for the magazine, I think would look great as a main image as the two pupils are smiling and seem happy to be in King Henry. When taking the photos, the two boys were easy to take a photo of, as they listened to the instructions which I gave.
The subsidiary images are quite good.
The image of SPORT SUCCESS isn't so good, as I had to zoom in on the field, I was supposed to take a photo of football or rugby players on the field, but as there was no playing on the field I had to take a photo of pupils on the field.
The image of two students for EXAM SUCCESS is good, I would've wanted them to seem a little bit happier, but it's good as it is.
The image for CLUBS is good, I took the photo when questionnaires were being given out, so thought that it was a good opportunity to take a photo for the club catagory as the sixth formers were laughing and smiling.
The image for the LIFTS is good, because it was the easiest to take out of all ther photos which I had to take. The image of a lift suggests taht there is still work in progress.
The colour scheme for the magazine which I think is appropriate for the magazine, it stands out, and is one od the colours associated with the school.
My overall evaluation of my school magazine front cover is good, it turned out better than I had expected, the images look good placed on the cover as they are.

Friday 22 October 2010

Shoot date and time
            21st October 2010 at 1.55pm

Image Description

sport success
Shoot Location

Model / person contact Details

Permission Details

       letter sent home


Plan of shots


exam success

Shoot date and time
            21st October 2010 at 12.30pm

Image Description

exam success
Shoot Location

upper school
Model / person contact Details
        2 students sixth form

Permission Details

        letter sent home

             2 peices of paper

Plan of shots

Still Shot

new school uniform

Shoot date and time
            21st October 2010 at 1.30pm

Image Description

New School uniform
Shoot Location

 Infront of lower school reception
Model / person contact Details
       2 students year 7

Permission Details

        letter was sent home for parents to sign


Plan of shots

Still Shot

Photo Shoot Planning

Shoot date and time
            21st October 2010 at 1.45pm

Image Description

New Lifts

Shoot Location

Behind Lower School
Model / person contact Details

Permission Details

        Not needed


Plan of shots

Still Shot

Decisions from my questionnaire for my magazine front cover.

Masthead; The masthead which I have decided to use on my magazine front cover will be OUR SCHOOL, my reason for this is that it got the most votes from my questionnaire and another reason for this is that I prefer it to the other choices.
Slogan; The most popular slogan which received the most votes is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW and for this reason I will use it for my questionnaire.
Colour Scheme; The colour scheme for my school magazine front cover then the colours will have to be the colours associated with the school which from my questionnaire I found out that YELLOW, BLUE and BLACK are the colours  associated with school.
Main Image; For my main image, I am deciding to use photos of students for my front cover of the magazine, because the magazine is for students of my school then I suppose students,  should be on the front cover of the magazine. The image will be a long shot of two students showing their uniform.
Subsidiary Images; For my magazine I was thinking of having 4 subsidiary images on the cover along side the main image in the middle of the page. I have decided to use images of STUDENTS, CLUBS & ACTIVITIES, SPORT SUCCESS and a picture of the SCHOOL BUILDING, my reason for these are that two of the pictures were featured in the qustion of stories to be featured in the magazine and of students.

Questionnaire Results.

I produced 10 copies of my questionnaire and distributed them throughout 10 different pupils in my school age ranged between Year 7 to Year 13.

l        From my questionnaire I found that the most popular type of magazine which pupils from King Henry VIII school prefer is GOSSIP magazines with 5 votes out of 10.
l        The results from my questionnaire show that the preferred masthead is OUR SCHOOL with 5 votes out of 10.
l        The favourite slogan from my questionnaire results is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW with 4 votes out of 10 the joint second favourite results are NEWS FOR YOU and GOSSIP FOR YOU.
l        The top 5 stories/ topics that my target audience had voted for (in order of most popular) are;
l        The FAVOURITE main images people voted for are of STUDENTS and TEACHERS.
l        BLUE, BLACK and YELLOW were the most popular colours.
l        All the results will now help me with my decisions of the plan and the making of my School Magazine Front Cover.

My Final School Magazine Front Cover

Wednesday 20 October 2010