Friday 31 December 2010

Photo Planning


Shoot date & time
8th December 2010 3:30pm
Image description
Four male band members
Shoot Location
Clothes Show at Birmingham NEC Arena
Model/ Person contact details
Permission details
Permission to use cameras inside the show was granted
Stage, 4 Microphones



Shoot date & time
8th December 2010 3:30pm
Image description
Four male band members
Shoot Location
Clothes Show at Birmingham NEC Arena
Model/ Person contact details
Permission details
Permission to use cameras inside the show was granted
Stage, 4 Microphones

Shoot date & time
8th December 2010 3:30pm
Image description
Four male band members
Shoot Location
Clothes Show at Birmingham NEC Arena
Model/ Person contact details
Permission details
Permission to use cameras inside the show was granted
Stage, 4 Microphones

Shoot date & time
8th December 2010 3:30pm
Image description
Four male band members
Shoot Location
Clothes Show at Birmingham NEC Arena
Model/ Person contact details
Permission details
Permission to use cameras inside the show was granted
Stage, 4 Microphones

Shoot date & time
8th December 2010 4:00pm
Image description
9 male and female dancers
Shoot Location
Clothes Show at Birmingham NEC Arena
Model/ Person contact details
Permission details
Permission to use cameras inside the show was granted
Stage, basket ball and book

subsidiary images

This is going to be my subsidiary image. I took these photos when I went to the clothes show on December 8th 2010. I have edited four pictures of the band and I have created a name for the band so that it makes it my own. I decided to use yellow for the writing and lines because it really stand out.

Session 3 of music magazine front cover

This is the third session of the music magazine process I decided to put a shadow on the font for the masthead so that it has a three dimension effect on the magazine. I have put my slogan towards the bottom of the page because if i placed it at the top of the page I think it would look like there is too much writing towards the top of the page. I changed the colour of the circle to a light blue as I didn't think the orange complemented the rest of the magazine colours. I decided to change the colour of the sell line to a light purple because it complement s the rest of the magazine colour scheme.

Friday 10 December 2010

Second session of music magazine front cover

This is my second session of my music magazine front cover process. I decided to change the font of the masthead so that it stands out better on the page. I moved the banner to the top of the page so that there is more room on the page for my main image. I have put the date and price just below the masthead so that it is easier to find on the page. I have decided to move the circle to the bottom left hand side of the page with my subsidiary image in it. I have made my own bar code for the magazine. I like the writing on the right hand side as it is pretty so as the magazine is for teenage girls I think it has good connotations. The colour is good as it compliments the masthead colour scheme. The sell line for my magazine is placed in the middle of the page and I have slanted it for more effect on the page.

Session 1 of my music magazine front cover

This is my first session of doing my music magazine front cover.
I decided to do my masthead bright yellow and bright blue. I found it quite difficult to get a circle on my cover but at the end I got it done, I even thought that making the line squiggly would make it look more attractive. The banner will look better on the top of the page so that it looks more like a banner line on the top of the page. I think the colour scheme so far looks quite good.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Final Design of Music Magazine Front Cover

For my final design for my music magazine front cover my mast head will be two different colours and a star at the end because I think it looks good, I have also decided to put the masthead so that the T and the A are put over the main image. I have placed the FREE strap line so that part of the circle goes under the main image. I have got two subsidiary images so there is more to look at on the page and it looks more attractive if on a shelf. There is a long strap line over the main image place at the bottom of the image so that it doesn't take all the focus from the main image. I used EXPOSED on it so that it stands out on the page as it is big and bold.

Third Draft of Music Magazine Front Cover

For my third design I have decided to use the same main image and masthead as the rest of my designs. I have placed the price, bar code, date and website at the top right hand corner just below the mast head so that it is easier to see when on a shelf. I have decided to use two subsidiary images on my magazine. On this design I have decided to put in a pull line to attract people towards my magazine.

Second Draft of magazine front Cover

For my second design for the music magazine front cover I have decided to use the same main image as it fills up  most of the page. There isn't many sell lines which makes the magazine look slightly empty. I have decided to put a free gift on the magazine cover so that it attracts customers but I should make it a bit bigger than it is so that it stands out. I have decided to use EXCLUSIVE as a sell line so that it attracts people to the magazine.

First Draft Of Music Magazine Front Cover

 For my first design for the music magazine front cover I have decided to use a female for my main image the shot will be medium close up and the model will be facing the side will her head tilted towards the camera. My masthead will be placed in the top left hand corner and will fill the whole top of the magazine. I have decided to put a banner at the top with the whiting taking up the whole of it. I decided to use only one subsidiary image with many sell lines. I haven't decided to use a pull line for the main image.

Monday 22 November 2010

Mission Statement

POP STAR is a female based magazine. Music led with features of gossip, news and interviews.
POP STAR is aimed at female teenagers who like to hear the latest news and gossip.
POP STAR will help fullfil it's readers knowledge of music.
POP STAR's role in it's readers lives is to entertain and inspire.
The first issue will arrive between November 2010- June 2011

Music Fan Profile

AGE : 13-19 years old
WHAT IS SHE WEARING: The latest high street fashion, dolly shoes or boots, styled hair straight or curly
LISTENING TO: Girl bands like The Saturdays, Solo artists like Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus, but also male artists like Justin Bieber
WANTS TO BE: The next big thing in music and fashion
FIND HER: Either in her room singing and dancing of gossiping with her friends about the latest news

Reader Profile

Female: 95%     Male: 5%
Average Age: 17 years old
In school/ college: 85%     Working: 10%     Unemployed: 5 %
CONFIDENT: in what they want to do
  • 79% say it's important to keep up to date with the latest music
  • 97 % are passionate about music
  • 100 CDs in collection
  • 90 DVDs in colllection
  • 1000+ downloads
  • Average time reading music mag: 1 hour
  • CDs £7m
  • DVDs £6m

Questionnaire Analysis

My target audience is mainly female. The magazines which they would be willing to pay for a magazine will range between £1.50- £2.99.
The most prefered masthead was POP STAR. The most prefered slogan was The BIGGEST pop mag!
The topics chosen were EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS, CHART TOPPERS, ALBUM REVIEWS and NEW MUSIC out of the choices given.
The colour scheme chosen was bright colours.
The prefered main image was a solo female artist.
The prefered subsidiary image chosen was of solo female artists, girl bands, mixed gender bands and solo male artists.

Monday 15 November 2010

Conclusion of music magazine front covers.

I have found that not many music magazine front covers have alot or not any subsidiary images.
Many music magazine front covers us mostly sell lines on the cover to get the buyer to read  the magazine to see the story inside.
See full size image
The pose is good it i slanted so it fills the page better.
the mashead is ssimple font and just one colour the person is standind in front of the masthead so this magazine may be think that the masthead is well known to the puplic.
See full size image
This type of magazine masthead is very simple it is has only 3 different colours and the writing is very bold but simple.
The pose is very simple, there is one prop used in the shot, it is at medium close up and not very different colours have been used.

Examples of music magazines covers I like

See full size image

I like this magazine front cover because it is bright and colourful. The person on the cover seems very confident, this is shown in the type of pose she is doing.

Examples of music magazine front covers

Aftre researching different types of magazine front covers I have examples of the front cover and why I like them.
Media Studies
Music Magazine Front Cover Questionnaire

1.    What gender are you?
2.    How old are you?
13 or younger
14-15 years old
16-17 years old
18-19 years old
20 years or older
3.    How often do you normally buy magazines?
4.    How much would you buy a magazine for?
£1.49 or under
£1.50 - £2.99
£3.00 - £4.49
£4.50 or more
5.    What masthead do you prefer?
Other (please state)
6.    What slogan do you prefer?
The BIGGEST Pop Mag!
REAL music
Other (please state)

7.    What topic do you prefer?
Other (please state)
8.    What color scheme do you prefer?
Warm colors
Cold colors
Bright colors
Neutral colors
Florescent colors
Other (please state)
9.    What main image would you prefer for a front cover?
Other (please state)
10. What subsidiary image s would you prefer for a front cover?
Other (please state)

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Evaluation os School Magazine Front Cover

I think my magazine front cover looks good. It looks like a real magazine front cover.
I think the masthead which is called OUR SCHOOL is an appropriate masthead for the magazine because it incoorporates the reader to input their suggestions, it suggests that everyone is a part of the magazine production.
The slogan which is ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW is a great slogan, as keeps the reader up to date in what is happening in school.
The main image for the magazine, I think would look great as a main image as the two pupils are smiling and seem happy to be in King Henry. When taking the photos, the two boys were easy to take a photo of, as they listened to the instructions which I gave.
The subsidiary images are quite good.
The image of SPORT SUCCESS isn't so good, as I had to zoom in on the field, I was supposed to take a photo of football or rugby players on the field, but as there was no playing on the field I had to take a photo of pupils on the field.
The image of two students for EXAM SUCCESS is good, I would've wanted them to seem a little bit happier, but it's good as it is.
The image for CLUBS is good, I took the photo when questionnaires were being given out, so thought that it was a good opportunity to take a photo for the club catagory as the sixth formers were laughing and smiling.
The image for the LIFTS is good, because it was the easiest to take out of all ther photos which I had to take. The image of a lift suggests taht there is still work in progress.
The colour scheme for the magazine which I think is appropriate for the magazine, it stands out, and is one od the colours associated with the school.
My overall evaluation of my school magazine front cover is good, it turned out better than I had expected, the images look good placed on the cover as they are.

Friday 22 October 2010

Shoot date and time
            21st October 2010 at 1.55pm

Image Description

sport success
Shoot Location

Model / person contact Details

Permission Details

       letter sent home


Plan of shots
