Friday 10 December 2010

Second session of music magazine front cover

This is my second session of my music magazine front cover process. I decided to change the font of the masthead so that it stands out better on the page. I moved the banner to the top of the page so that there is more room on the page for my main image. I have put the date and price just below the masthead so that it is easier to find on the page. I have decided to move the circle to the bottom left hand side of the page with my subsidiary image in it. I have made my own bar code for the magazine. I like the writing on the right hand side as it is pretty so as the magazine is for teenage girls I think it has good connotations. The colour is good as it compliments the masthead colour scheme. The sell line for my magazine is placed in the middle of the page and I have slanted it for more effect on the page.

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