Thursday 3 March 2011

Images which I will be using for my magazine

 This is the image which I will be using for my magazine contents page. I will remove some of the background but leave it around the body so that it shows that she is actually sitting on stairs.
 This is the image which I will be using for my magazine front cover. I will remove the background. I have decided to take medium close up of the face and the shoulders so that it willl fit on my cover better.
This is the image which I will be using for my magazine article and I will also remove the background of the picture and this image will be placed on the right hand side of the page.
I will use this image on my contents page, it is similar to the image I have on my front cover, but different as in the poses and props. I have decided to use different images from my front cover so that it makes the page a bit more interesting to look at.

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