Tuesday 15 February 2011

Music magazine contents pages I like

 I like this contents page, there is only one image which I think is good as it covers all of the blank space so it makes the page look better. There is alot of of information for the reader.

This contents page is good although the page looks abit too bare, I thinkif there was abit more writing on the page then it would look better.

Session 4 of my music magazine article

As with my front cover I will change the main image and the two will have totally different poses to them, but other than that I think the article looks pretty good.

Session 5 of my Music Magazine Front cover

I am going to change my main image for the front cover as I think the lighting for the image is wrong as the model looks to light. I will get the model to look more like a popstar so that it looks a bit more like a music magazine front cover.

Possible images for my magazine

The model who I am using is my sister, i am planning on removing the background so that it looks better as there is a reflection in the window.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Session 3 of my music magazine article

This is my third session of my music magazine article, the article is still in process, but the main thing needed to make the article complete is a photo to go on the right hand side of the page which I have made space for and so I will place it there.
I have included some pull lines into the article which may make it more attractive to read. I have changed the font of the heading as I think it matches the article better.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Second session of my music magazine article

This is my second draft of my magazine article. I think at this stage I have don very good, I have decided to use plenty of colour in my article as my magazine is a POP MAGAZINE and so it has to be bold and bright, on the right hand side of the article I am planning on having an image to fill the page. I have included everything which I am supposed to use in the article such as masthead of the magazine at the bottom of the page, and page number and date. I have used a border to go around the page to make the article look more better and stand out. 

Second Draft of my Music Magazine Article

First ideas of my music magazine article

 This is the first idea I had for my magazine article, I think it is quite suitable to have for a magazine article as there is enough room for a picture and writing.
This is a good idea but I think that the picture part could be bigger, as there is quite alot of room for writing.

Music magazine articles I like

This music magazine articlr is good as there are only four different colours which make them stand out from the rest of the page.
The way in which the writing is placed in three columns is good and then on the right side the writing has been placed around the image of the girl posing.

Music magazine articles I like

I like the way this article is set on the page. The images are good, the one image on the top right hand is good as the setting of the photo is very good and glamorous. The way in which the page has been set out is very striking.

Music magazine articles I like

This article is very good the way in which the writing has been placed over the pole which the model is leaning on is good it makes it very interesting to look at and read.